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What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction is to bring you (aka “directee”) to see and listen to God; to know the will of God and follow Him; and to develop an intimate relationship with God. According to Gordon Smith, president and professor of systematic and spiritual theology at Ambrose University College and Seminary in Calgary, Alberta, “Spiritual direction has a very clear agenda: directing our attention to the presence of God in our lives.” He defines the work of a spiritual director as “A spiritual director offers spiritual guidance and companionship to help us make sense of our faith journey, interpret with us the significant markers on the road, and encourage us, particularly through the more difficult transitions and valleys of our pilgrimage.” My work as a spiritual director is to discern the work of the Holy Spirit in your life, and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit to lead you to be aware of the footprint of God and His presence in your life.

      Spiritual Direction or Counselling?


The purpose of spiritual direction is to seek and respond to God in one’s life and is not focus on problem solving while counselling is primarily dealing with problems of one’s life and looking for a well resolution to issues.

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